This post is to give you some insight into what it means financially to sell local food online to your local community on Ooooby.
Let's look at November 2023 (December is an anomaly month with Christmas orders and interrupted trade between Christmas and New Years).
In November there were 67 hubs actively trading on Ooooby with combined sales of £740k. In round figures, that’s an average of £11k per hub per month, or £132k per year.
There were some large hubs in this mix with more than £100k in sales in November alone (£1.2M annually).
Most hubs, however, are small farms with teams of 2-3 people hustling part time, so the median monthly sales is more like £5.5k, or £66k per year.
Most of these small farms also sell to local businesses and at farmers markets bumping up their total income.
In terms of customer numbers, there were 11,500 households who ordered a total of 35,000 deliveries in November.
On average, that’s around 470 deliveries per hub per month and the median is around 235 deliveries.
The average order value per hub ranges from £7 to £37. The average order value across all hubs is £21.15 and the median is £17.83.
Here at Ooooby we are working hard to keep these numbers increasing for the farms and food hubs trading with us.
Our aims are to
increase the number of visitors that convert to customers
increase the number and frequency of orders each customer makes
increase the average order value
increase the referrals that each customer makes
As a farm or food hub on Ooooby, your success is Ooooby’s success, so we’re all incentivised to help you be as successful as possible. Together we are steadily reclaiming market share from big ag and the supermarkets. If we keep going in the direction we’re heading then small-scale will once again be at the heart of the food system.